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Back to the grind!

I haven't been blogging. I'm sorry. First, work happened. December 30 was my first day off in 3 weeks (perks of working two jobs that both have endless hours) and I have been exhausted and miserable to be around. (Sorry boyfriend, and roommates, and friends) . Sorry I was awful.  Anyway, I don't really have much by way of a topic today. I've been out of touch on everything - Twitter, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, etc - which I'm trying to catch up on now. I'm also trying to be better about making time to read instead of watching television. I have to put that Kindle I got for Christmas to work. I have been getting my classes in at Shogun Martial Arts pretty religiously lately. Which makes me feel awesome. So that brings me to a solid topic - talking about what being a woman in a male-dominated sport can be like.  Usually Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other full contact sports go hand-in-hand with talking about the male athletes who participa...

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